past Exhibits
Spark Gallery Denver Colorado January 2024 Remember August? Although the temperatures then were clearly those of summer, there was a uniqueness in the air that gave a hint that fall was on its way. Suddenly, days were shorter, schools were getting back into session, and bike rides with sunlight until 9 pm were no longer possible. Now it is the dead of winter - a time that some of us dread and others embrace. Whatever it is for you, let this exhibit of colorful paintings and prints remind you of the wonders of August. Inspiration comes from the children's book Fredrick by Leo Leonni. As the story goes, Fredrick's fellow mice are gathering food and supplies for the winter while Fredrick sits calmly off to the side, gathering "sun rays...colors...and words to brighten the cold dark days ahead." WHEREABOUTS Spark Gallery Denver Colorado March 2023 Many of the works in this exhibit were started during and even before the pandemic and, in my whereabouts, they were recently completed. Limitations imposed by pandemic restrictions challenged me to stretch out from under my "painting-comforts" and led me to the exploration of collage. Old drawings from hikes through Aspen forests, segments of a wasp nest composed of remarkable hexagonal structures, and flower petals found pressed in a book that belonged to my late father-in-law; they are all elements that found a place in my work. *The title of this exhibit is borrowed from Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Wherabouts”. NARRATIVE - Reflective of the Pandemic Era Spark Gallery Denver Colorado 2021 What day is it?” we heard so often in the midst of the pandemic era. We seemed to be swimming in a vast sea with no horizon line in sight - daily schedules faded and life’s passages took another form. We each found a way to build some sort of structure to replace what we lost. For me, painting was the structure that mark my path along the way and delineate time. They are intended to encourage dialogue as we try to make sense of it all. IN AND OF ITSELF Spark Gallery Denver Colorado 2018 Each summer I visit the Denver Botanic Gardens on a regular basis with sketchbook in hand. Visitors come and go as I’m absorbed in my surroundings. I eves-drop in on snippets of the conversations muffled by waterfalls streaming in the background. I watch ducklings frolicking in the pond spotted with colorful water lilies while all along being mesmerized by the gentle motion of the natural surroundings. Somehow the accumulation of all of this is absorbed in my drawings. COMING FULL CIRCLE Spark Gallery Denver Colorado 2016 What intrigues me about abstraction is the problems it presents. It is much like putting the pieces of a puzzle together - arranging and rearranging elements until the composition comes together. |